Is it necessary to exercise to lose weight?

Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise is the most recommended to eliminate fat, because it uses this as fuel. In addition, it also helps us reduce cholesterol.

Losing weight is one of the biggest concerns that exist today . Because obesity has become a serious public health problem, many people every day seek the best option to lose a few kilos. But do I need to exercise to lose weight?

Very few people really know how much exercise they must do to get results. As you know, there are different types of exercise, which will help you achieve specific objectives. Therefore, it is very important that you know in the first place the type of exercise you must do. It is not the same exercise to develop the muscles that serves to lose weight.

Here  are some tips on how much exercise you should do to lose weight . However remember that it is worth the opinion of a personal trainer or a specialist.

The type of exercise you should do

According to specialists, aerobic exercise is the ideal way to lose weight . This type of exercise is the most common and is based on the proper use of breathing . Broadly speaking, aerobic exercise uses fat as a fuel or energy source, making it excellent for reducing the fat that is under the skin.

It also has other benefits such as lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improving lung capacity and obtaining oxygen, reaffirming tissues, improving cardiovascular health, among other things. Meanwhile, the most common activities of this type of exercise are running, walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc .

How much exercise you should do to lose weight

According to some studies, the amount of exercise that must be done to lose weight must always be greater than 15 minutes. However, the ideal amount is 30 minutes, since that amount of time is usually very easy to adapt to the routine of most people , in addition to giving results, it allows us to perform other types of activities with which we can burn more grease.

For people who have the ability to do so, 60- or 80-minute sessions can have amazing results . In spite of this, this is more complicated thanks to the fact that it implies spending a greater amount of time on exercise and having a better physical condition. If this interests you, such an objective can be achieved by accustoming your body little by little.

How often should you perform the exercise

As for the number of days that you have to exercise, it is best to do it at least three times a week, especially novices . For people who already have more experience the number of sessions can be increased up to five times a week.

One recommendation is to do exercises during the week and perform other activities on weekends with which we can also burn fat. There are many options that are very fun and can be done with family or friends.

Sleeping Well Helps you Lose Weight

Discover how the hours you dedicate to sleep influence, and in what way, your weight

Sleeping well is fundamental. This phrase has been heard thousands of times, but now we are going to give you one more reason to rest the hours you need: sleep helps you lose weight.

Well, sleeping well is fundamental, both in the growth of children and adults, because rest helps  regenerate cells quickly .

The recommended rest hours can never be less than seven and neither above nine. If you sleep less hours and are used to physical exercise, the muscles do not regenerate and therefore do not recover. So you can continue practicing physical exercise and develop muscle properly, you should sleep more than 7 hours.

Also when rest is inadequate we eat worse the next day, since we are tired, which is often confused with the feeling of hunger. We are also more willing to not respect meal times. 

It can happen to you, sometimes, that some days that you do not sleep enough and do not respect the schedules, nothing happens.

However, if this is prolonged in time, our body reacts internally searching for the energy necessary for fatigue to disappear instead of fulfilling the function of burning fat and transforming it into energy.

In fact, when you sleep less than 7-9 hours the production of 2 hormones involved in weight loss is altered:

  • Ghrelin, which stimulates the appetite, when you sleep poorly, is produced in greater quantity.
  • Leptin, which sends the signal to our brain that we are full. In this case, its production decreases.

When we are deprived of sleep, ghrelin levels increase and leptin levels decrease. The lack of sleep can also activate the hormone cortisol, which encourages our body to store abdominal fat.


Science Confirms That Drinking Water Becomes Thin

Learn How

For many years, it was already believed that drinking water favored weight reduction.

Nowadays, the suppositions are confirmed with numerous studies and scientific investigations, which have revealed that drinking a certain quantity of water helps remarkably to lose weight.

Drinking water half an hour before meals reduces appetite

A good way to lose weight easily and effortlessly is to drink water before meals.

The fact of drinking water half an hour before eating decreases the number of total calories consumed during the day, mainly in middle-aged and elderly people.

In one study it was shown that people who follow a diet low in calories and drink half a liter of water before meals lose 44% more weight than those who do not take that amount.

Likewise, it has been observed that water consumption prior to meals causes an increase in weight loss equivalent to 2 kilos during a period of 12 weeks.

In another study comparing calorie intake during breakfast, these were the results: the group that drank half a liter of water before breakfast consumed 13% fewer calories than the group that did not.

However, it seems that this automatic effect that leads to consume fewer calories only occurs in people of middle age and older people.

At the moment, there are no studies that have proven the same in young individuals.

Drinking water increases calorie burning

Experts say that drinking water increases energy expenditure at rest.

In other words, drinking only half a liter of water increases your metabolism by up to 30%in the 10 minutes after consumption and is maintained for at least one hour.

In the same way, it has been discovered that drinking 2 liters of water per day increases the calorie expenditure by 96 calories .

In addition, the burning of calories rises even more when you drink cold water, since your body uses more calories for water to reach your body temperature.

Several studies have also confirmed that drinking between 1 and 1 liter and a half of water daily significantly reduces weight, abdominal circumference , body mass index and abdominal fat.

Finally, in a study carried out with overweight women, an extra weight reduction equivalent to 2 kg was observed after increasing the water intake by more than one liter daily.

How much water is adequate?

In reality, each person needs to consume a different amount of water, depending on their physical condition, health, habits, age …

In general, the health authorities recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water a day , but there will be people who need more.

For example, if you are a sports person, it is obvious that you will need to drink much more than 2 liters, and the same happens with the elderly or nursing mothers .

But one thing is clear :

  • If you are thirsty, drink, and when you are satiated, stop.
  • In periods of high heat or exercise, drink enough water to compensate for fluid loss.
  • If your goal is to lose weight , increase your daily water intake and, mainly, drink water before meals: approx. 2 liters per day

However, it is not good to abuse water , since you can reach a state of hyperhydration, in which your body can not eliminate all the water you ingest and can even be deadly.